Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Little Rewards

You sweat and you pant and you then sweat some more.

Your feet complain from climbing up the rocks and your skin gets hotter and hotter every time you're exposed to the sun.

But you go on, you've already walked this far, you cant give up now!

You can hear the water running below...
You can smell the sage growing around you...
You feel the leaves touching you as you walk...

And in the end you're there! Astonished by the beauty of the nature, happy to be part of it again.

It's finally time. You take a deep breath and jump into the icy water...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Proportion Adjustments

Some people say we're like islands. And that the relationships we build with each other are the bridges that unite us.

Well, I disagree.

I most definitely feel like an island myself but all i get to see around me are more islands in the horizon.
No bridges.

In almost feels like the view of the sky at night. You think you're looking at a bunch of beautiful stars  but in reality that's just an illusion. What you're really looking at is a reflection of that they used to be. It's the same with people. You only get to see them from a certain distance. Islands don't pull away nor come any closer. We just chose to believe so because we're focusing on them trying to figure out what life is like over there. But do we ever get to know how it actually feels to be on that island? No. Same way we cant really know a person. All you get is a blurry vision from far away that you probably also adjust to what you hope it looks like.

And if the sea brings some part of it over, it feels like a little treat from heaven. But is it really? I'm afraid we'll never really know. That's the mystery and the beauty of it.

But one day, some little cloud goes away and you realize that they're no bridges any more. Probably never there to begin with. You're on your own, surrounded by sea and all there's left to do, is take the time and get to know your own island before setting off for new adventures.