Saturday, February 27, 2010

...or in Greek: Ola Kala Tha Pane!

I still remember the first time I realized that after repeating a word a few times it starts sounding funny. You stop thinking about the meaning of the world and the brain suddenly realizes that there is a sound coming a long with is and.. boy is it weird!

Well, as we all know, there's no rule without an exception and guess what.. "ItWillAllWorkOutInTheEnd" is mine.

I've been repeating and repeating and repeating this phrase to myself and to others in the vain hope of comfort, but not really believing it would help.

And the truth is... it didn't.

Because no matter how much you pray for them, no matter how much you hope and wish and then hope some more, things usually wait for the very very very last minute until they actually reveal their intentions and... work out themselves!

But still, this little bunch of words never started to sound funny no matter how many times I had to invoke it's magical powers in a day. (sure, I did... but that's not our point)

So I'm spreading the word. And every time you feel like it's-just-too-much-to-handle, you can shout "It Will All Work Out In The End" without fearing you will sound dumb...

..and you'll know that you're not alone!

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