Monday, November 22, 2010

The comeback!

Okay, okay, I took my time off.
It's not like I have some huge fan club that would be disappointed by my absence! And to my defense, it is very hard to keep up when everything around you is changing at a crazy pace.

So I have crossed the ocean.
I have settled down.
I am moving forward.

I am also tempted to say "itallworkedoutintheend" but I fear the change in tense will piss that Murphy guy off and hell will break lose!

How do I feel? I'm satisfied.
Why? Cause things evolved pretty much as I expected them to. People have disappeared, people have u-turned  but most importantly, those who I expected to stick around are still there for me. It feels good when your hunch is right and no matter how cruel the reality, at least you don't get that nasty oh-I-never-saw-that-one-coming feeling.

Other than that, the universe keeps spoiling me and I'm having the time of my life. Only this time I'm gonna make sure things go my way in the end.

Gotta go back to work. I know I haven't nagged about my current project yet, but mind you, that's on its way! (Some things never change)

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