Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Raining" all the way home...

I'll come visit you tomorrow.
I haven't done so in quite some time...
I have news to tell you.
You probably know already.
I think you'll be happy.
Happy about me.
I wish you would tell me so yourself.
Pretending is not easy.
I think of you.
I remember all the things we did.
Reading is not the same anymore.
You knew.
I talked.
When did that happen ever again?
Double forks and my hand being "held"...
You always had your way.
I miss you.
I don't ever want to forget.
Did I ever say thank you?
Letting me into my own secrets...
What a fool I've been.
I'll come visit you tomorrow,
it's been a long time...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dedicated to Christine

Savoir sourire
A une inconnue qui passe
N'en garder aucune trace
Sinon celle du plaisir
Savoir aimer
Sans rien attendre en retour
Ni espoir ni grand amour
Pas même l'espoir d'être aimé
Mais savoir donner
Donner sans reprendre
Ne rien faire qu'apprendre
Apprendre à aimer
Aimer sans attendre
Aimer à tout prendre
Apprendre à sourire
Rien que pour le geste
Sans vouloir le reste
Et apprendre à vivre
Et s'en aller
Savoir attendre
Goûter à ce plein bonheur
Qu'on vous donne comme par erreur
Tant on ne l'attendait plus
Se voir y croire
Pour tromper la peur du vide
Ancrée comme autaant de rides
Qui ternissent les miroirs
Savoir souffrir
En silence sans murmure
Ni défense ni armure
Souffrir à vouloir mourir
Et se relever
Comme on renaît de ses cendres
Avec tant d'amour à revendre
Qu'on tire un trait sur le passé
Apprendre à rêver
A rêver pour deux
Rien qu'en fermant les yeux
Et savoir donner
Donner sans rature
Ni demi-mesure
Apprendre à rester
Vouloir jusqu'au bout
Rester malgré tout
Apprendre à aimer
Et s'en aller
Et s'en aller

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Coming from a long time ago...

Huh! I told you things were going to work out!

I keep telling you people that things are going to work out in the end, but nobody seems to pay attention to me!

Spring Semester is finished and we managed to survive, 
I found a beautiful apartment in Shadyside, 
There will be no group projects in the Summer semester, 
The weather is getting so warm i'm actually thinking of going to the beach,
I'm down to kilos i haven't seen since high school,

and I just I can't stop smiling :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Defining New Programming Concepts

It's always fun when you try to add some extra functionality to a project (extra as in will-do-it-later-if-have-time) and you realize that you have (probably subconsciously) already prepared the ground for it!

As from today, we shall call this <drumrolls> ..."a-priori programming" </drumrolls>


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010


It's late and i'm sleepless. Sometimes listening to music helps your mind get at ease, but most of the time it doesn't really work that way. It's like this little evil me on my shoulder pushes me to pick all the wrong songs... Thank god there's this little cute angel on the other side of my head that helps keep my thoughts straight. Some times...

So, here i am, getting myself ready for the giant leap. Being a true fan of this blog, i strongly want to believe that it will all work out in the end. Only some times your head, heart and little selfs on both shoulders are not enough to make you believe it. I wish i just had a written contract, if you know what i mean. Only it's the signing authority that troubles me... who's responsible for telling people what they want to hear and take full responsibility at the same time? Nobody i guess. it makes sense if you think how much it hurts every time you break a promise...

So no promises for me then. I'll just have to go and see for myself. And if i fall down onto my face then i guess it's ok. It's always better to regret about thing's you've done rather than things you didn't.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It all worked out in the end

Sometimes you just need to have faith... and a bit of luck on your side ;)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life and Monkey Wrenches

It's almost funny how life manages to get you back to earth every single time you feel like flying.

I remember a friend of mine during high school who used to say "Vipers around the corner"...
Maybe there should be warning signs with "Life around the corner" messages. Or when somebody catches you smile he would be obliged by law to come and tell you "hm... i see you're smiling, are you sure you're looking at the whole picture? maybe you've missed something".

Next think you know... life has hit you on the head with a monkey wrench and you slowly and painfully come back to reality...
Your little bubble is burst and i guess you just have to find the strength to built yourself a new one.

I just fear that I might end up alone in this little bubble of mine.
Then life probably will leave me alone in it...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Things I want to EAT before leaving...

1. A big soulvaki with extra tzatziki (ok, maybe two of them)
2. An ice-cream crepe at Pierrot's
3. The best vromiko in town by Mary's home
4. Mom's pizza (preferably during Eurovision'10)
5. My homemade traditional pasta (eat half of them while making them and the rest cooked!)

...This list is definitely to be continued :)