Saturday, May 8, 2010


It's late and i'm sleepless. Sometimes listening to music helps your mind get at ease, but most of the time it doesn't really work that way. It's like this little evil me on my shoulder pushes me to pick all the wrong songs... Thank god there's this little cute angel on the other side of my head that helps keep my thoughts straight. Some times...

So, here i am, getting myself ready for the giant leap. Being a true fan of this blog, i strongly want to believe that it will all work out in the end. Only some times your head, heart and little selfs on both shoulders are not enough to make you believe it. I wish i just had a written contract, if you know what i mean. Only it's the signing authority that troubles me... who's responsible for telling people what they want to hear and take full responsibility at the same time? Nobody i guess. it makes sense if you think how much it hurts every time you break a promise...

So no promises for me then. I'll just have to go and see for myself. And if i fall down onto my face then i guess it's ok. It's always better to regret about thing's you've done rather than things you didn't.

1 comment:

  1. So which of the two "shoulders" picked which of the two songs this time? Personally, I'm going with the little devil for "Promises"... or maybe it should be called "I Fried The Sheriff, But I Didn't Zap No Deputy"? :)
