Sunday, March 13, 2011

Things that make me feel better

1. Ice cream with millions of different toppings
2. Boardgames @Play
3. Finding sneaky bugs
4. Hoping in my car and just driving. Anywhere.
5. Going to the movies with a huge amount of popcorn and soda
6. Shopping for shoes (preferably in London - sorry Pittsburgh)
7. Sketching in a sunny room while chatting with Ririna
8. Drinking a Freddo by the sea; playing tavli goes with that one too
9. Hearing from people I didn't expect to remember I exist
10. Doing something silly that makes somebody smile
11. Cleaning and tidying up (that actually requires being quite annoyed)
12. Dreaming of flying.
13. Making pretty things out of the weirdest materials (still haven't made that necklace out of an old CPU I kept)
14. Waking up in the morning and not having to do anything.
15. Realizing someone is actually paying attention to what I say.
16. Listening to old favorite songs and just singing along
17. Writing. Anything, even if there is no one there to read it.
18. Dressing up and liking what I see in the mirror. Yes, heals are mandatory.
19. Getting tickled. Probably cause it makes me feel like my smile is important for someone.
20. Round numbers, heh!

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